Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Personal Financial Plan

Personal Financial Plan Part 5 Sheri Mulder Personal Finance Age 30 Establish good credit and avoid excessive debt Invest aggressively for retirement Buy a first home and build equity Make a will and health directives Age 30-45 Create an estate plan. Buy adequate life and disability insurance. Keep investing as much as possible. Save for children's college. Age 45-65 Leverage peak earning years to build financial security. Shift retirement savings as necessary. Review estate plans regularly as assets grow and to reflect changing life circumstances. Age 65 and beyondAppropriately rebalance assets to manage risk. Take action to minimize estate taxes and facilitate wealth transfer to descendants. Make sure health insurance is adequate. What was used to help establish the personal financial plan was a website that had an example of a financial plan considering life-stage changes. The example was helpful because it showed different ages of an individual's life and what should be done duri ng those stages. The example was helpful to use because the example is very similar to the situation and life style changes that are becoming an issue.The financial resources that would be used to help make financial decisions would be to get a loan from the bank for a mortgage. Taking out a bank loan would only be used if there was a large amount of money needed and there was not enough saved up to use. It is important to have a nest egg to fall back on in case of emergencies so an individual does not have to use financial resources to get him or her out an emergency situation. Short-Term Goals Finishing college Increasing savings account Purchasing a new vehicle Reducing high interest debt Buy life insurance Make plans for retirementIntermediate-Term Goals Paying off expensive debt Creating an emergency fund to cover 12 months of expenses Buying a new car Taking special vacation Long-Term Goals Own a home free of mortgage payments Own a vacation home in the mountains somewhere rem ote Accumulate enough funds to not have to work, but maybe something part time in case I get bored My personal risk tolerance is very conservative at this current moment of life. Although my time horizon has many years to invest, right now the asset level is not high enough to have very much left to invest. My risk olerance is also conservative because of lack of experience and knowledge of investing. In the future when there is a higher asset level, there could be a possibility of hiring a professional to help with an investment. My time horizon impacts my financial plan because of how many years that there is left before retirement. The number of years that an individual has before retirement is important to determine how to invest and save money. By the time of graduation, there should be close to forty years to take on risky investments. There will also be forty years to load a portfolio with bonds and cash. Cash Flow Statement Cash from gross wages |43220 | |Cash paid for: | | |Income taxes and deductions |-8164 | |Mortgage |-7617 | |Food |-9600 | |Car expenses |-7000 | |Clothing |-1800 | |Cell phone |-1560 | |Internet and cable TV |-1272 | Balance Sheet |Assets Liabilities | |Car $6,183|Student Loan $10,000 | |Savings $600 | | |Total $6,783|Total $10,000 | | |Net Worth ($3,217) | Personal Monthly Budget |Projected Monthly Income |$1,667. 28 | |Actual Monthly Income |$2,684. 00 | Housing |Housing |Projected Cost |Actual |Difference | |Mortgage |$934. 72 |$934. 2 |0 | |Phone |$130. 00 |$159. 00 |-29 | |Electric |$212. 00 |$212. 00 |0 | |Cable |$84. 00 |$84. 00 |0 | Start saving, keep saving, and stick to your goals Contribute to your employer’s retirement savings plan Learn about your employer's pension plan Don't touch your retirement savings Ask your employer to start a planPut money into an Individual Retirement Account Find out about your Social Security benefits Time value of money impacts this part of the plan because the long er money is saved, the more it will be worth when an individual retires. When you save or invest money, it will be worth more because it will gain interest by investing it. The earlier a person invests or saves money, the longer that the amount of money has time to gain interest and increase in value. Works Cited https://ww3. janus. com/Janus/Retail/StaticPage? jsp=jsp/Common/JanusReportHTML. jsp&assetname=JanusReportThroughYears ———————– | |

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Study of Karen

Case study – KAREN This assignment is about Karen Lee who comes for personal counseling. As a therapist I use two theories (Psychoanalytic Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy) separately to help her in solving her problem. Psychoanalytic therapy, basic assumption of human nature: Psychoanalytic treatment is highly individualized and seeks to show how the unconscious factors affect behavior patterns, relationships, and overall mental health.Treatment traces the unconscious factors to their origins, shows how they have evolved and developed over the course of many years, and subsequently helps individuals to overcome the challenges they face in life (National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, 1998). As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on the concept that individuals are unaware of the many factors that cause their behavior and emotions.These unconscious factors have the potential to produce unhappiness, which in turn is expressed through a score of distinguishab le symptoms, including disturbing personality traits, difficulty in relating to others, or disturbances in self-esteem or general disposition (American Psychoanalytic Association, 1998). In An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Freud (1949) explains the principal tenets on which psychoanalytic theory is based 1. human behavior and thinking are largely determined by irrational drives; 2. those drives are largely not conscious; 3. ttempt to bring those drives into awareness meets defense (resistance) in many different forms; 4. beside the inherited constitution of personality, one's development is determined by events in early childhood; 5. conflicts between conscious view of reality and unconscious (repressed) material can result in mental disturbances such as neurosis, neurotic traits, anxiety, depression etc. ; 6. the liberation from the effects of the unconscious material is achieved through bringing this material into the consciousness Freud begins with an explanation of the three forces of the psychical apparatus–the id, the ego, and the superego.The id has the quality of being unconscious and contains everything that is inherited, everything that is present at birth, and the instincts (Freud, 1949). The ego has the quality of being conscious and is responsible for controlling the demands of the id and of the instincts, becoming aware of stimuli, and serving as a link between the id and the external world. In addition, the ego responds to stimulation by either adaptation or flight, regulates activity, and strives to achieve pleasure and avoid displeasure (Freud, 1949).Finally, the superego, whose demands are managed by the id, is responsible for the limitation of satisfactions and represents the influence of others, such as parents, teachers, and role models, as well as the impact of racial, societal, and cultural traditions (Freud, 1949). Psychoanalysis fostered interest in human emotional and psychological development traced back to a young age. The human can be seen from a much more holistic viewpoint as one looks at the psychoanalytic theory, which combines the inner workings of the mind and attempts to explain them in the context of a dynamic social environment.Karen-cade study The focus is on how Karen’s childhood experiences create an internalized interpersonal model for relationships. The treatment plan is based on a three-pointed outline: 1. The Problem list 2. Problem Formulation 3. Intervention Karen reports general dissatisfaction of her life, she feels some panic over reaching the age of 39, She has been troubled with a range of psychosomatic complaints including sleep disorders, anxiety, dizziness, heart palpitation, and headaches. She often feels depressed, and she is concern about loosing her looks with her overweight and aging.According to the psychoanalytic theory, the focus is on bringing unconscious to the conscious. Karen case study shows she has repressed. She never wants anything for herself and she typic ally lived up to what other in her life wanted for her. Karen’s gender-role identification was fraught with difficulties. She learned the basis of female-male relationships through her early experiences with her parents. What she saw, was her father as a distant, authoritarian and rigidperson that every actions of her father should never be questioned and everyone should obey his standard and rules.She remembers her mother who was supportive but critical and Karen thought the she would never do enough to please her. She generalized this pattern through her life. It could be further hypothesized that the man be married was similar to her father, and she used her mother as a role model by becoming a homemaker. In a critical incident took place when she was 6 years old, her father caught her during â€Å"playing doctor† with an 8-years-old boy. She reports â€Å"He lectured me and refused to speak me for week. I felt extremely guilty and ashamed. † She repressed he r own emerging sexuality and carried the feeling of guilt into her adolescence.She was not allowed to date until she completed high school. She married the first person she had dated. It could be further hypothesized that she lived up to what othersin her life wanted for her and she generalized it to relation with her children, it’s very difficult for her to cope herself with children’s rebellion especially about her daughter, Jane. She is not satisfied with her husband relationships, and she is anxious over the prospects of challenging this relationship, fearing that she does, she might end up alone. In a general sense, psychoanalytic case formulations always have interpersonal foundations.These foundations are built from repeated child-caretaker interactions, subsequently internalized, and later manifest themselves in clients’ daily live. Consequently Karen’s depressive and anxiety symptoms are traced to early childhood interpersonal experiences andobse rvedduring her life. According to the Karen’s presenting problem and psychological history, her intervention package can be as follow: 1. to motivate her for therapy 2. to reduce her anxiety 3. to emphasize on primacy on self-experience which help her to improve her self-esteem â€Å"Typical change process in psychoanalytic therapy includes four parts: 1.Cognitive insight (usually a repeating maladaptive interpersonal pattern) 2. Practice in detecting maladaptive   mental and interpersonal patterns 3. Creating new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences† 4. Internalization of new and more satisfying interpersonal experiences (John Sommers1957) As I told before, the goal is to† bring unconscious to conscious and it’s not limited to solving problem and learning new behaviors, there is a deeper probing into the past to develop the level of self-understanding that is assumed to be necessary for change in character. (Corey 2009) During therapy, therapis t explores some of these questions with Karen: â€Å"What did you do when you felt unloved in the childhood? As a child what did you do with your negative feelings? Could you express your rage, hostility, hurt, and fears? What effects did your relationship with mother and father have on you? What did this teach you about all women and men? Brought into the here and now of the transference relationship, questions might include â€Å"When you have felt anything like this with me? and What are you learning from our relationship about how relationship with women or men might go?As she comes to understand how she has been shaped by these past experiences, she is increasingly able to exert control over her present functioning. Many of Karen’s fear become conscious, and then her energy does not have to remain fixed on defending herself from unconscious feelings instead, she can decision about her current life. † (Corey 2009) Cognitive behavior therapy, basic assumption of hu man nature: Human nature as believed by my theoretical approach is that we are all capable of loving, happiness, and even self-actualization, however, we also have tendencies toward self-destruction, self-blame, intolerance, and perfectionism.Because we are the inclination to think rationally and irrationally, the theory believe that we can train ourselves to refuse to become upset and resist irrational thoughts by repeating relational thoughts to ourselves and we have capacity to change by choosing to react differently to situations. Ellis assumes that we are self-taking, self-evaluating and self-sustaining. We develop emotional and behavioral difficulties when we mistake simple preferences (desires for love, approval, success).Ellis again affirms that we have an inborn tendency toward growth and actualization, yet we often sabotage our movement toward growth due to self-defeating patterns we have learned. (Ellis, 1999). Although, irrational beliefs can be learned from significant others, human beings are believed to create irrational dogmas and superstitions by themselves and reinforce self-defeating beliefs by the process of autosuggestion and self-repetition and by behaving as if they are useful. Therefore, it is our own indoctrinated irrational thoughts that keep dysfunctional attitudes alive and operative within us. Karen- case studyIn assessment of problem, behaviorally she acts defensive, avoids eye contact, speaks rapidly, and fidgets constantly with her clothes. She lives with her husband and her three children but, generally she is not satisfied of her life. Emotionally she feels unsecure and unappreciated in her relation with her husband and her children, she has experienced some of specific problems such as anxiety, sleep disorder, panic attacks and depression. In cognition area she fears about aging, she fears of not succeeding in professional world and worries about how becoming more professionally involved might threat her family.She concerns a bout losing her children. She is anxious over the prospects of changing the relationships with her husband, fearing if she does, she might end up alone. After assessment of the problem, the intervention package focused on the following: 1. To motivate the patient for therapy 2. To prepare Karen to deal with and face phobic situations she avoided due to anxiety 3. To reduce her anxiety 4. To reduce inferiority complex and increase self-esteem 5. To modify her negative thoughtsTherapist helps client to understand how to change irrational thoughts to rational thoughts and teach her positive thinking and consideration of positive data in critical situation. Therapist pays more attention to the present time and focuses on causes of client’s discomfort in present time. In Karen’s case the most reason and greatest catalyst that triggered her to come for therapy is the increase of her physical symptoms and anxiety. Karen’s therapist should focuses on helping her in defi ning the particular areas that Karen would like to change after completing this assessment.They work together and make a plan for treatment. Therapist helps Karen to understand the purposes of her behaviors and then teach her about how the therapy sessions can help her to reach her goals. CBT helps Karen to understand that she is responsible for his own life and she should b active. According to the case study, she completed a course in introduction to counseling, that encouraged her to have a look at the direction of her life and she took an honest look at her life. Karen finds wondering what she should want and what she should be doing.It shows that she is aware of her life and she wants to change but she fears and she doesn’t know exactly what she wants. Therapist should help her to understand in which area she wants to change. The first things that she wants now, is being successful in her professional world. Therapist uses questioning process to develop a picture of her difficulties. Karen’s concrete aims include her craving to function professionally without being tense and worry about every little thing in her life. As a practice, therapist asks Karen to keep a record of when she feels tense or worry and what events make these feelings.Karen indicates that she worries about her right to think and act selfishly. Behavioral skills therapy is good for her because she has trouble talking with her family. This procedure includes modeling, roleplaying and behavior rehearsal. Then she tries more effective behaviors with her therapist who plays the role of herfamily members and then gives feedback how strong or apologetic she seemed. Karen’s anxiety about her relationship with her husband can also be explored using behavior rehearsal (in case that therapist is male). The therapist plays as her Karen’s husband, Tim.She practices being the way she would like to be with Tim and says the things to her therapist that she might be afraid t o say to her husband. During this rehearsal, Karen can explore her fears, get feedback on the effects of her behavior, and experiment with more assertive behavior. Next, she is requires to list down her specific fears. Karen identifies her greatest fear is not able to function both professionally and responsibility to her family if she branches out. The least fearful situation she identifies is concerning over aging and her â€Å"looks†.Before moving into this simulated situation/ role play techniques, the therapist first does some systematic desensitization on Karen’s fear items hierarchy. Karen then begins repeated, systematic exposure to items she finds frightening, beginning at the bottom of the fear hierarchy. She continues with repeated exposure to the next fear hierarchy item when exposure to the previous item no longer makes Karen anxious. Part of the process involves exposure exercises for practice in various situations away from the therapy office. The goal o f the therapy is to help Karen modify the behavior that results in her feelings of guilt and anxiety.By learning more appropriate coping behavior, eliminating unrealistic anxiety and guilt, and acquiring more adaptive responses, Karen’s presenting symptoms decrease, and he reports a greater degree of satisfaction. As a conclusion according to Karen’s problems, a combination of cognitive, emotional and behavioral approaches (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) is effective and is the first choice of treatment for her anxiety and depression although, there are a number of ways in which common treatment elements for anxiety and depression may facilitate symptom reduction in both disorders. The cognitive restructuring skills typically employed in CBT provide patients with skills to identify, evaluate, and modify maladaptive negative thinking styles more generally. †(Michael W. Otto   2010) References †¢ Freud, S. (1949). An outline of psychoanalysis. New York: Norton. †¢Gerald Corey. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling Psychology. USA: Brooks/Cole †¢ Jesse H. wright, Monica Ramirez, Michael E. Thase. (2006). Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy . USA: American Psychiatric Publishing. †¢ Judith S. Beck. (2011). Cognitive Behavior Therapy basics and beyond.New York: Guilford Press †¢ John Sommers, Rita Sommers. (1957). Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories. USA: John Wiley and Sons. †¢ Keith S. Dobson. (2010). Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies. New York:Guilford Press †¢ Michael W. Otto, Stefan G. Hofman. (2010). Avoiding Treatment Failure in the Anxiety Disorders. USA: Springer †¢William. T. O’Donohue, Jane E. fisher. (2008). Cognitive Behavior Therapy. New York: John wiley. †¢ American Psychoanalytic Association (1998, January 31). About psychoanalysis  [WWW document]. Retrieved on 12 June 2012 from http://www. apsa. org/pubinfo/about. htm

Monday, July 29, 2019

Four Styles of Creative Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Four Styles of Creative Intelligence - Essay Example The four styles of creative intelligence are as follows, first is Intuitive, this is based upon the past experience and it is one of the most widely trusted styles of creative intelligence. The biggest advantage of this style is that the past experience is taken into consideration when adopting this method, when past experience is considered many new things can be learnt from the same as experience is believed to be the best teacher. Many mistakes can be avoided making the most of this method; hence it is a very good style to follow as far as creative intelligence is concerned. Second style is Innovative; this is another highly adopted style. Organizations come across new problems everyday and in order to solve the problem one needs to come up with new solutions and what Innovation is all about. Innovation focuses upon new methods to tackle problems, every organizations looks for this quality in its employees. Innovation is based upon a systematic approach to problems and it's all about coming up with solutions to the problem. This is another very highly adopted style of creative intelligence which is used by more organizations than one these days. The third style of creative intelligence is Imaginative. ... There is no certainty whether their ideas would prove beneficial to the organization or not. On the contrary if the ideas click then the organization would surely find itself sitting in a very comfortable position. So it is like a gamble which might pay off or it might not pay off. The last style of creative intelligence is Inspirational; this is more like motivation where the employees are inspired and motivated to achieve the goals of the organization. Every organization should follow this style in order to make sure that all the employees work towards the same goals set by the organizations. Using this style has many advantages; the biggest of them all is that the employees start working selflessly and ultimately the growth of the organization as well as the employees take place. So it is advisable to use this style of creative intelligence to make sure that the employees try and meet all the goals set by the organization. The five forces that influence the mind set and hence go on to influence the decision making procedure are as follows; First is the entry of competitors, this brings a lot of worries to an organization. The organizations starts considering various factors like "What are the Absolute cost advantages Which barriers do exist How easy or difficult is it for new entrants to start competing" (Porters Five forces model, 13 October 2008). It is very essential to do an in-depth analysis on the competitors in the market to know where the organization relay stands, hence this step becomes inevitable. The next is Threat of Substitutes, things like "How easy can a product or service be substituted Can products be made cheaper What are the switching costs" (Porters Five forces model, 13 October 2008) come

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Undue Weight of Truth on Wikipedia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Undue Weight of Truth on Wikipedia - Essay Example In this context, Wikipedia identifies the avoidance of undue weight by, not recognizing minority views as representing widely held viewpoint. This is guided by the view that, minority held views give rise to undue weight, in relation to the truth. Wikipedia requires the minority views to rely on sources from majority viewpoints, and further, avoid reflecting on content sourced from a minority point of view. Wikipedia further suggest that, minority views serve to represent articles focusing on the views of the minority. The intention by Wikipedia in this sense involves presenting competing viewpoints in relation to support from sources considered as reliable (Messer-Kruse). Replacing the truth by adopting a policy of neutrality, may result in the exclusion of true information in the main space. Such is the case that affects recognized experts like Timothy Messer-Kruse, concerning the article â€Å"Haymarket affair†. Timothy complained about his contributions concerning the topi c, being watered down or scrapped off. Wikipedia focuses on epistemological standards considered radically different compared to other standards. Such standards are unfounded because Wikipedia depends on a Web oriented community. This impacts on scholars whose main aim involves a focus on traditional notions in regard to accuracy and the truth. Objective truth does not form an important aspect of the Wikipedia’s policies concerning determining the truth. Wikipedia recognizes the truth based on the frequency of a viewpoint on other publications. In this sense, as long as a new viewpoint is supported by other publication that exists online, that is enough process for Wikipedia to affirm due weight on a new view point(Messer-Kruse). Contrary to Wikipedia’s assertion of neutrality, an ideal process, entails a fair representation of all views, whether minority or majority point of view. Presenting a subject that does not imply biases, but entails focusing attention on how v iews, arguments and wordings are mentioned. Messer-Kruse took over a decade researching on the 1886 â€Å"Haymaker affair†, but received approval from a minority group of scholars. Wikipedia on its part relied on secondary publications to inform on the same topic. The idea of including the views of others concerning a scholarly article may compromise the originality of the information. This results from views, presented in a different perspective, but relating to the same topic. As noticed by Timothy while editing a Wikipedia article, the consideration of numerous views results in misleading assertions. The process of due weight in relation to truth denies the minority a chance to reflect their views in regard to an issue. Timothy conducted further research concerning evidence provided and added this to Wikipedia’s editing log. However, because of maintaining the policy of neutrality, Timothy’s assertions were not added due to lack of reliable sources as require d by the policy of neutrality. The reliance on prominent sources denies scholars the chance to document on concrete views and contributes to relevant information to the readers. Further, the existence of a policy that denies minority views an equal opportunity to provide relevant information to readers may lead to misinformation. In the same light, majority view impact on negatively on research conducted by the minority views since, the minority views are documented on a limited number of scholarly materials. As noted by Timothy, the policy related to undue weight, creates a problem in terms of denying recognition for published articles by minority views. This creates a situation where, biased documentation of scholarly materials do not recognize the views from both sides of the spectrum. For

What does Qualitative Research mean to me Essay

What does Qualitative Research mean to me - Essay Example The essay will ultimately conclude on the importance of qualitative research Introduction The selection of appropriate approach to be employed in a research is typically preceded by issue selection and a paradigm.  Flick (2009) defines a paradigm as the entire construction of viewpoint, standards and processes within which research occurs. Maxwell (2005) defines qualitative study as a process of investigation of human and societal issues that are focused on coming up with an intricate holistic picture obtained from a natural setting. Quantitative research usually takes the approach of studying the mathematical significance of data collected. Qualitative research on the other hand, takes into account the social and human aspect of research by looking into how people’s actions, attitudes, and behavior affect the research and its outcomes (Patton, 2004). Discussion    Qualitative research is concerned with the examination of patterns, which can be traced in the data collected which are usually reflected through the participant’s actions. The qualitative researcher is interested in the presentation of data in a manner that would reflect the participant’s attitudes and feelings concerning the subject matter. The objective of the qualitative research then is the discovery of patterns emerging after close observation, meticulous recording and a thoughtful analysis of the issue studied. Qualitative research usually asks the question what and why. The researcher is employed in the search for something as well as the lack of it. Paradoxes and inconsistencies bin the explanation of people’s responses toward an issue (Silverman, 2009). Qualitative research represents the most used type of study on societal issues. Politics makes use of it to try out new strategies, and to keep abreast of public sentiment, corporations use it to evaluate their products and if advertising is creating the desired impact. Qualitative researchers are investigator s in a variety of perspectives given that they search for clues and study societal and personal drive by means of the myriad of qualitative techniques. Tools Qualitative study in most instances makes use of individual depth interviews and focus groups. In some instances, a mix of methods such as group interviews and divergence groups may be made use of. Qualitative analysis aims at explaining behavior and sentiment through the development of dialogue intended to draw out people’s perspectives concerning a particular issue in a natural way. It is important that the researcher recognize their role in the discussion process by guiding his question asking to ensure that there is no bias in discussion with respondents. While the researcher ought to avoid a bias in the introduction of the topic, he also has to ensure that his questions offer specific hints and key words in order not to make the study a pure regurgitation of previous studies (Flick, 2009). The qualitative researcher ought to be capable of probing and challenging the subjects in order that true perspectives are brought out. A good drafting of qualitative research questions is essential if reliable and accurate results are to be found. A good researcher would be able to draft questions that will elicit novel responses, which they may not have had a chance to air in previous studies. The Researcher The qualitative researcher should listen to his respondent, analyses the respondent and his answers then

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Managing Financial Systems in the Hospitality Industry Essay

Managing Financial Systems in the Hospitality Industry - Essay Example This essay stresses that financial statement appraises the company’s owners of the financial standing of the firm. Based on this the organization takes decisions, which affect both the profitability and the risk of the firm’s operations. In the hospitality industry, management accounting system (MAS) gives an evaluation of the performance. Financial statements help to monitor business performance and analyze statement relevant to investment decisions. There is more emphasis now on risk assessment and non-financial performance measures. This paper makes a conclusion that Market analysis gives details of competition, and expected business based on macro and micro factors. It takes into account the country’s economy, the reasons for recessions and downslide and the resultant impact on the business proposed. The projections of sales and profitability can only be made once the revenue per customer is estimated. Market segmentation further helps to get a realistic picture. The value of the company is determined by the analysts and the capital market by discounting the present value of the future cash flows that will be generated by the company’s operations. The assets and liabilities also change in value over time. The revaluations are fixed with reference to either the stock market or the real estate market. In the case of the hospitality industry it is related to the real estate market. The financial analysts also deal separately with the assets and liabilities.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Independent Creative Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Independent Creative Writing - Essay Example I have created my time capsule keeping this fact in mind. It would be difficult to write about the culturally diverse American society and for this reason, a DVD should be made that would record the different aspects of the American society. These different aspects would be personal, business and recreational society. For this purpose, the video recorder will have to visit different homes, business centers including the White House and popular recreational spots including fast food joints such as McDonald’s. This DVD would be the main object of the time capsule. To ensure that the DVD is playable, a DVD player would also be included in the time capsule. Along with the DVD, an album of pictures will also be put in the time capsule. This album will have pictures of popular spots that are idolized by the society including Hollywood, fast food joints, stadiums, and theaters etc. The composition of the pictures would be such that the essence of the place is captured, that is, stadium during a football match. I would also include a recent newspaper. This newspaper will cover most aspects of the contemporary American society including the most recent headlines and the opinions of leading journalists on the pressing problems of today’s society.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Free Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Free Topic - Essay Example The inner thoughts of the protagonist, Mrs. Mallard, form the leitmotif of story. News of a railroad accident in which Mr. Brently Mallard had supposedly died and what happens in the span of an hour afterwards form the plot. Chopin focuses on Mrs. Mallard’s unique psyche through the narrative technique of interior monologue. Her sister Josephine and Mr. Mallard’s friend Richards break the news of Mr. Mallard’s death as gently as possible. The readers are also led to believe that the news could have a devastating effect on her. She is described as responding instantaneously to the news by weeping at once, â€Å"with wild abandonment†. Contrary to many women who would have remained in a paralyzed inability to accept the news and its significance, she did let her emotions flow on a stretch. However, she went alone to her room once the storm of grief had subsided. No one was allowed to follow her there. The time she spent alone in her room happens to be the tu rning point in the story. She continued sobbing absent mindedly for a while, in a stupor-like condition. But she kept on staring outside through the open window, supposedly in a â€Å"suspension of intelligent thought†. She realized something coming to her, but was unable to realize it fully. Her demeanor changed dramatically as she realized that it is freedom that is awaiting her. She got very excited at this prospect. Even as she reflected on the necessity to weep once her husband’s dead body arrives, the state of excitement refuses to fade away from her essence of being. She thought of love as something that existed only occasionally in her relationship with her husband. Love seemed like an unsolved mystery to her while she was swept away by a possession of self-assertion. She perceives that she is free altogether now, body and soul. The twist in the end reveals that the information regarding the death of Mr. Mallard was baseless, and he turns up

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evidence-Based Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evidence-Based Practices - Essay Example The Role of Nurses in Research and EBP: Nurses are the frontline soldiers who meet with patients, conduct assessment reports, and they must research the best health solution applicable to each patient. Nurses, as actual practitioners, are also the best ones to conduct research studies, based on trends they may be seeing in their practices (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011). Deductions can be made through the research involved in determining solutions, taking accurate records of treatment results, using clinical reasoning throughout the process, and providing outcome treatment results for either supporting current practices or providing a case for the need to change a current process. EBP Models Used in Hospitals/Clinics/Organizations: The model diagram below shows the typical process used in hospitals, clinics, and organizations on how medical practices use EBP as part of the common practice process for providing the best healthcare possible.  The Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine (IMREBM) addresses healthcare processes within a clinical setting to achieve best results in providing medical solutions. The group is made up of senior leadership from healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, third-party payers and patients (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011). The emphasis is placed on efficiency in providing EBP in a timely manner, generating more evidence in supporting the most effective and valued healthcare strategies and, finally, developing best processes in disseminating healthcare evidence as part of educating the public (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt 2011; LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2013).  The United States Preventive Se rvices Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent panel of experts who continuously review and recommend better practices in preventive services such as any type of medical screening, preventive medicines and best practices in counseling for the public.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

1. (MT) plz see the imformation which I had uploaded) Essay

1. (MT) plz see the imformation which I had uploaded) - Essay Example The theory does not explain why a person believes and opts for a certain action and how and what things influence these beliefs and motivates him to behave the way he does. On the other hand, the theory mentions clearly that characteristics of the choice situation will decide which individual beliefs become foremost and how different motivations influence in deciding his behaviour. The scope of theory does not, however, include the study of the procedure in which the individual examines the circumstances and his perception offsets his established beliefs (AMA, 2004). A prevalent brand community called â€Å"Club Ducati† initiated the trend. The passionate admirers of Ducati bikes make up this group. Ducati’s fans can avail membership of two different clubs: the main Ducati Owners Club (DOC) and individual Ducati Clubs. The DOC operates under the parent company and includes all bike owners; collection of customer data is its main function. The club doesn’t arrange for any particular social activities, but members can have only occasional discounts and other promotions for Ducati products (Cova et al, 2007). Yet, it is the customers who set up the Ducati Clubs locally all over the city. These types of clubs exist in most Italian provinces and are also seen in other parts of the world. In total, we have forty clubs in Italy and those outside Italy exceed 70. Moto GP, the international racing circuit relates plenty of success stories about the performance of Ducati bikes and the number of its owners has been on the increase since. In each Ducati club, the members usually range from forty to more than six hundred. The management is headed by a Club president, who leads a team of few friends willing to develop activities for the group members’ interests. Some of these activities include: meetings for motorcyclists, fundraising events, shows for charity, socializing

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hardware and software report Essay Example for Free

Hardware and software report Essay In this report, I will be discussing what hardware, software, operating system, and how this would be benefiting the company. I will also state how I used the hardware and software, which helped the company. Once that I done, I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of the hardware and software that I used, and compare them to the hardware and software that I could have used. Definitions of hardware, software and operating system: Computer hardware typically consists chiefly of electronic devices (CPU, memory, display) with some electromechanical parts (keyboard, printer, disk drives, tape drives, loudspeakers, floppy discs) for input, output, and storage, though completely non-electronic. A package/application is a complete, self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the user. This is in contrast to system software such as the operating system kernel, server processes and libraries, which exists to support application programs. The operating system is Software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it. The hardware that I used was:   Tulip monitor: low emission   Tulip CPU: E85-00970   Tulip mouse: M-S48a   HP LaserJet 2200d   HP LaserJet 4200n   Floppy disc   Internet modem The software that I used was:   Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word   Microsoft Paint   Windows Xp Microsoft Word Pad   Internet explorer   Windows Me The advantages of the hardware that I used were:   My work was saved on a CPU, and so my work wouldnt get lost. My work was save on a floppy disc as backup.   The laser HP LaserJet 2200d and HP LaserJet 4200n was very fast in printing my work. The advantages of the software that I used were: Microsoft excel is the easiest package to use a spreadsheet.   Microsoft word is easier to use, then any other writing package. Microsoft paint is the easiest image package to use. The disadvantages of the hardware that I used were:   The computer monitor might freeze, causing me to not do my work.   The printer might not work, so I will not be able to print my work.   The printer might only have black ink, not coloured ink. The floppy disc might be full so that I cannot store any more work on the disc. The disadvantages of the software that I used were:   The Microsoft package might be out of use due to a failure in the computer.   Windows might not have the new updates on the computer, as there might be an old package on the computer, rather then the new one, I. e. Windows 95 instead of Windows Xp. There might not be Internet explorer on the computer to help you with you research. The other hardware that I could have used was: Scanner Zip disc   Different Internet modem, I. e. Blue yonder one-megabit modem. The other software that I could have used was: Microsoft spreadsheet.   Microsoft word processor Microsoft publisher   Microsoft PowerPoint (if I was doing a presentation) When you compare ICT with non-ICT you can see that ICT is so much easier than hand writing something. One reason is that your handwriting might be very bad and as a result, people will not be able read your handwriting. Secondly, when you write pages and pages of information concerning the company, then your hand tends to become tired. With the use of ICT, you wont get tired as you will just be typing, and will eventually feel tired, but not as quickly as you would have done. Another point, which makes ICT much better than any Non ICT, is that if you make a mistake while you are working with non-ICT, you will not be able to make a change very easily, but with ICT you com press the delete or key to get rid of the mistake. Other uses of ICT within Future Fashions are that you can use a mainframe or a midrange, which are unique operating systems. What this would allow you to do is to do better work, as there is better equipment and better facilities to use in a mainframe and in a midrange. Future fashions were not that efficient as they had a lot of problems in the company. One of which was that they didnt even have a logo or a slogan. That just showed how efficient they were, as they didnt even have a log and slogan, and they are meant to be a clothes company. Other problems that they had were; they had no spreadsheet to show how all the employees records were like, no graph to see how much they ware getting paid and no wage slip to show how much the employees would get paid. So in the end, what I did to solve these problems were to actually make the logo, slogan, spreadsheet, graph and wage slip. I think that all the solutions that I can up with very well in the end. The logo was colourful and eye catching, and the slogan was very catchy. The spreadsheet was very easy for the owners of Future Fashions to read from and the graph was also easy for the owners of Future Fashions to see how much each employee gets paid, and could compare the money that the employees get by the other employees. Lastly, the wage slip was successful as the owners of Future Fashions could see how much the employee was getting paid, how much tax there was, how much National Insurance there was, etc. Eventfully, as a result of my work, the problems of future fashions disappeared. The company will now become very successful, in my opinion, as most of the problems have been solved, and Future Fashions can now really take off. A summery of what I have said in the 3-4 pages is just that the hardware and software that I used was very successful for the owners of Future Fashions as it helped the owners of Future Fashions when they needed it most, and as a result, this will benefit the owners on Future Fashions in the long run. The problems that I came across whilst doing this project to help Future Fashions were:   Sometimes the printer wouldnt print in colour because it was a black ink printer. The computer froze a few times, so I had to do it again.   When the computers were getting rebooted after the power cut, all of my work got deleted. Overall, I have found out that the solutions that I came up with really helped the company named Future Fashions. I also found out that all the solutions that I came up with improved the image of Future Fashions, making it a very successful company.

Richard vs Richmond Essay Example for Free

Richard vs Richmond Essay 1. The first recruitment poem, named Fall In follows the style of a simple ABABCDCD pattern, found most commonly within poems. However the second of which is the focus of our analysis, In Flanders Field, is much different. The first verses pattern is AABBA whereas the second verse is different yet again. Fall In has a style the is a lot more colloquial then Flanders Field relying on using more slang terms to attract the attention of the reader while Flanders Field has a tone that is a lot more easy going and not as in your face. 2. Fall In is much lengthier than Flanders Field; its words are much more direct and to the point. It contains questions that would make young men think about; how would their families and friends think about them given that they made the choice not to go to war. Flanders field arouses the memories of fallen friends and family members within the minds of men throughout the land, persuading and coercing them to join the ranks with many others. 3. The first poem Fall In is attempting to recruit young men to the forces by using what could be assumed as a sort of blackmail tactic. One can only assume that at the time of its publication the words found within its verses would have struck several chords in the hearts of the audience of young men, no doubt accomplishing its task; relying heavily on planting the seed of doubt into the minds of the young men, making them wonder just what indeed their family, friends and potential partners and children would think of their actions and absence from the forces during their countrys time of need. In Flanders Field follows a totally different path. I feel its words are meant to reverberate mostly in the hearts of those who have lost loved ones to war before; its words encourage those young people to pick up the torch and pride and carry it anew. I think personally that this poem would appeal to the more highly educated members of society, its words and underlying message would probably be more attractive to those with a higher education and a deeper understanding for poetry; Fall In uses colloquial language, slang and terms used on the street at the time, it would be much more likely to be understood by the lower class of educated men. 4. Despite my earlier comment that the second of the two poems under analytical scrutinising, I find the poem Fall In much more affective. It is easy to see how the questions would arose feelings within a young man of the time, not so much forcing but using a clever play on words to make them think that they would be lesser men if they did not do what many other men were doing and signing up for the forces. Being coerced and herded like so many sheep before them. 5. The structure of the first poem War Exalts is an unusual one, it is made up of question and answers throughout; one question is cheering on the war effort and the act of war itself while the reply completely disagrees with it, using religion as a main argument in retort. Anthem for Doomed Youth is a sonnet while the other is not; it follows the standard Shakespearean style consisting of 14 lines and five syllables per line. Both poem and sonnet respectively rely on de-idolising war itself; trying, one can only assume, to show the deadlier side to it by bringing attention to the point that not every one comes back alive to be praised by their loved ones, many will mourn. Too many. 6. I feel on a personal level that the shorter of the two poems is much more affective, this is due mainly to its mention of God. Most armies will use God to raise the morale of their troops, or simply to give good reasoning to their cause; with God on their side how could they lose? War Exalts will raise the question within any religious mind; what exactly does God think of war itself? To see your creations killing themselves in your name would upset anyone. Beliefs are harder to change, people fight against them and dont wish to have them altered, is it not better to have a good idea? Truthfully and from the heart this poem touched me, bringing to mind yet again the family members that have, and still are, fighting overseas in the name of God and country. Truly an affective poem.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reel Injun: Injustices towards Native North Americans

Reel Injun: Injustices towards Native North Americans In this documentary, Reel Injun, by Neil Diamond, the director explores how Native North Americans were treated and shown in media from the early 20th century to the present. The documentary explores the negative stereotypes and mistreatment Native North Americans faced. The amount of negative depictions and inaccurate stereotypes about Natives in film played a significant role in the hatred towards Native People, and reinforced the stigmatized views that mainstream society already had towards them. As a result, their confidence had been destroyed and their self-identity lost, as their ideas of who they truly were as people had been abandoned. This documentary is an exploration of how the portrayals and treatment of Natives, not only in film, but also in real life, progressed over time. Neil Diamond begins his film by exploring the origins of Native stereotyping in movies. In early films, Natives were always portrayed with more of a positive image as opposed to a negative one. This was shown in films such as The Silent Enemy, where respect was given for the way of Native tribes and showed Natives as noble savages, who were brave and courageous warriors that were in sync with nature. The movie featured real Native actors such as Chief Buffalo Child Long Lance, who played as a hunter in the film, and was considered one of the most noble Natives at the time. Although the film consisted of positive stereotypes, these same stereotypes were ones that portrayed Native North Americans as less than human, in other words, as second-class citizens. Even though Natives continued to succumb to the motives of the White man, The Silent Enemy, showed them as gentle individuals that continued to show respect for others, never surrendering or holding a grudge, but rather, wanting to live in a peaceful coexistence with White people. However, the film did not become a box-office success; society was uninterested in films that showed the ways Natives lived their lives, and were more fixated on comedic movies, beautiful love stories, and action packed adventure stories. People wanted to get away from their own lives, and wanted to jump into something that made them feel happy; no one wanted to pay for a film that evoked pain and showed the mistreatment of Natives, when they could pay for a movie that made them feel entertained. Before films veered off into depicting Natives as brutal savages, one could say that this movie had a major impact on the analysis of Natives throughout history. Following these positive stereotypical movies, Western films became the norm. A more pronounced negative portrayal of Native North Americans arose, and people loved seeing the Natives become target practice for cowboys. In the 1930s and 1940s, the Great Depression had taken a toll on people; they were looking for an enemy, and it just so happened that Natives were their ragdolls for anger. Native people began to become severely disrespected and inaccurately depicted in films. Directors were going so far that they began to show Natives speaking a sort of Tonto speech, where English is played backwards, making Native people look like uneducated, uncivilized and most importantly, brutal savages; as opposed to the noble savages they were once shown as. Perhaps the biggest movie to ever destroy a total cultures way of life and reduce it to a mere thought, would be Stage Coach. Released in 1939, the film shows a group of White travelers and their journey across the Wild West towards New Me xico. The travelers were very fearful of being violently ambushed by savage Natives, who are made out to be unethical and merciless. The film stars cowboy actor John Wayne, a very patriotic American that makes Native people not only his practice targets, but makes them seem like ruthless, brutal savages who have no regard for human life and are out to get the Americans. The film was so discriminatory towards Native North Americans that it made the Natives themselves think that they should distance themselves from their own culture, not only for fear of being targeted, but because they had started to believe in these falsely concocted stereotypes. Stage Coach along with many other films at the time, caused a lot of Native North Americans to lose their sense of identity, and because of this, turned them towards substance abuse and provoking fights with their societal counterparts. Nonetheless, the assassination of Native character done by Hollywood, provided the foundation for the agg ressive behaviors of Natives in this time of heightened socio-economic issues. However, after a few decades of negative depiction in film, Natives were starting to be portrayed positively again. The 1970s for Natives was what one could call a sort of Renaissance period, as it was a major turning point in the portrayal of Native North Americans. This period started with The Occupation of Alcatraz, in 1969, where around one-hundred Native people occupied Alcatraz island in protest to the government and their land treaties. Alcatraz was always originally sacred Native land, and protestors wanted to buy the land back for the same amount they had been offered for it, which was just a few dollars. The occupation became infamous and people from all over the world took notice, especially the man who later became The Voice of Alcatraz, Lakota activist John Trudell. Trudell had started a radio show that explained the reason for the protest and describing other issues Native people faced in America and the world. He is known as one of the most influential people involved in the whole escapade, and his presence brought an energetic spark to the peoples voices. Although the occupation of Alcatraz eventually did collapse, it is still widely regarded as a symbol of Native North Americans desires for unity and authority in a White America. Following the attention that Alcatraz gained, two significant things happened, the American Indian Movement (AIM) which aimed to fight back against all the false identities, stereotypes and mistreatment Natives faced in film and in real life, arose; as well as the release of Billy Jack in 1971. In essence, Billy Jack was a representation of a Native action hero, who used violence to enact justice. The character was half-Indian, and would fight anyone who disrespected Native people or the law. He was basically an embodiment of not only hope, but all the angst and anger the 70s brought for Native people, and was retaliating for all the negative stereotypes Native people faced by doing what they could not, that is, fight against the oppressors. Reel Injun also mentioned a battle that took place in South Dakota, more specifically, at Wounded Knee, where hundreds of Natives were slaughtered. The government was retaliating for the Battle of the Little BigHorn in the late 19th century, and their goal was to fight against the Native Americans who had taken a town under its control, in hopes of having the government honor its previously agreed upon terrestrial treaties and rights that had went undelivered for so long. Despite the push of the United States government, the Natives continued to fight back and never surrendered, which led to the deaths of many men, women and children. During this conflict, in 1973, American actor Marlon Brando, famous for his role in The Godfather, had a Native activist named Sacheen Littlefeather boycott the Oscar ceremony by refusing Marlons Oscar Statuette on his behalf. This was done in hopes to protest the widespread defamation of Native North Americans in Hollywood film. Her speech in front of the public addressed the injustices Natives faced not only on the big screen, but in real life, more specifically throughout the country and the massacre occurring at Wounded Knee. People saw this speech from this hippie as inspirational, and her message was welcomed for the most part, by applause and open arms, which led to a newfound appreciation for Native people. Suddenly, being Native was the thing, as Americans liked the idea of the free and spiritual hippie and drew similarities with Native and hippie culture. Throughout these eighty years or so, the widespread propaganda of Native North Americans in Hollywood film was an up and down struggle. As described by Neil Diamond, the director of Reel Injun, Natives were first portrayed as the humble and noble savages, very attached with nature and respectful in their coexistence with the White American. In fact, the Natives were the ones that helped these men adjust into their lives in North America in the first place, yet in later years, culturally destructive films such as Stage Coach described them as brutal savages who showed no mercy and were as ruthless as possible when torturing these White folk. Later of course, this notion came full circle as the public took notice through the constant lobbying and pushing efforts of not only Native activists like John Trudell and Sacheen Littlefeather, but Hollywood actors like Marlon Brando as well. American people learned that Natives are more than their traditional regalia, with feathers and face-pai nt, rather they are real human beings, and that all human beings are different and deserve to be treated equally.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dillard and Thoreau Comparison :: Essays Papers

Dillard and Thoreau Comparison From the lone hiker on the Appalachian Trail to the environmental lobby groups in Washington D.C., nature evokes strong feelings in each and every one of us. We often struggle with and are ultimately shaped by our relationship with nature. The relationship we forge with nature reflects our fundamental beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. The works of timeless authors, including Henry David Thoreau and Annie Dillard, are centered around their relationship to nature. The love for nature is one that is formed when young. Thoreau shows evidence of early development of a lifelong love for nature that he would carry with him in everything that he did. As a young boy of ten he was fond of walking deep into the woods that surrounded his home in Concord in search of solitude (Salt 18). Thoreau expressed an interest in living at Walden Pond at the age of ten (Salt 19). His love of nature can largely be credited to qualities inherited from his mother (Salt 22). It would rightfully be his love of nature that he would be remembered for. Thoreau after graduating from Harvard College began to keep a journal that he filled with the many thoughts and observations that came to him on his daily walks about Concord (Richardson 7). These Journals would spawn into the many books that he wrote, the most prominent being Walden. Thoreau was a self-taught naturalist, who spent much of his time systematically studying the natural phenomena almost exclusively around Concord (Witherell and Dubrulle). His Journal contains these careful observations, such as the cycles of plants, of local water levels, and many other natural phenomena (Witherell and Dubrulle). These Journals help to impress the love that he held for nature. It is this feeling that has propelled him to be considered by many to be the leader of the environmental movement (Buell 171). Thoreau himself cared little for group activities, religious or political, and even avoided organized reform movements (Gougeon 195). The abolitionist movement did however bring Thoreau out and into the public forum (Salt 140). As he became further involved with his Journal and his examination of nature he began to develop into an environmentalist and natural historian (Buell 172). This is evident by his views represented in Walden regarding the progress that was taking place in Concord at the time (Witherell and Dubrulle).

Friday, July 19, 2019

How Fish Swim Essay -- physics fish swimming

Water and all forms of water travel have long fascinated man. With his fascination and the realization that humans are ill-suited for water travel that doesn't involve remaining on the surface, an appreciation for a fish's ability to move in three dimensions with relative ease was also devloped. Although we may not fully understand the physics involved how fish swim, it is obvious from the fascination and the breadth of reseach that it will remain a goal of the modern sicientist. A fish's ability to propel itself efficiently through water is paramount to its likelihood to succeed. But before a fish need worry about any of the complications associated with moving through water (hydrodynamic drag, turbulence, buoyancy, etc.) it must first solve the problem of locomotion. The most common method for solving this problem is by muscle contraction and relaxation. The forward thrust force is created by movement of the caudal (tail) fin and varying amounts of the surrounding muscle (up to the entire body for fish that swim similar to eels) in an undulating motion. The importance of this mechanism manifests itself in the fact that 80% of a fish's body is composed of muscle used for propulsion and maneuvering. Since fish live in an environment in which they need to move in three dimensions, buoyancy plays a significant role in determining a fish's ability to swim efficiently. Fish use a couple of different strategies to solve this problem. Denser fish use their pectoral fins to create dynamic lift, similar to planes and birds. As these fish swim, their pectoral fins are positioned in such a way as to create a difference in pressure which allows the fish to maintain a certain depth. The two major drawbacks of ... ... Anjem and Marko, John. University of Illinois, Chicago. Department of Physics Smits, A. "Drag of Blunt and Streamline Bodies" Princeton University. Department of Engineering Moore, Bobby and Warren, Michael. "The Bouyancy of Fish and the Physics Behind it" Tu, Xiaoyuan. "Structure of the Dynamic Fish Model". University of Toronto

Strengthening the Learning Process through Music Essay -- education, co

Introduction: Music is said to influence the process of thinking and learning by motivating the student to think better, analyze faster and work more efficiently. Studies have shown that just listening to music is beneficial. However, it is the participating fully in music, the singing and playing of music that strengthens the learning process. Exposure through lessons and other activities may help students to explore and boost their confidence and help them achieve more success in their endeavors. The fact is, music is an important avenue to individual success. Music should be available to all students in all schools, because it holds such an influential place in academic structure (Children’s Music Workshop Music’s 1). Wilber-Clatonia High School should mandate that all students take at least one semester of vocal and one semester of instrumental music in high school. Music is a universal language, which speaks to a whole variety of people cutting though racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic barriers. It has become an expression for many cultures. The oldest artifacts show people playing musical instruments over four thousand years ago. Men and women through time have been moved by the powerful words and beats that musicians have created to provoke emotions. However, no matter how much music may have differed, it seems that music served a common purpose: to bring people together. By bringing people together fills a student’s â€Å"bag† with self-motivation, assessment and practical application. It allows a person to take a look at the world and appreciate what people do and to have a deep-understanding of the world. This is very important in the world of music because it is culturally diverse. Students experience thi... ...s. â€Å"Creativity.† University of Missouri-Kansas City. 1998. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Intelligent Life on the Web. â€Å"How Does Music Affect The Brain.† 2011. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. IsyB Family. â€Å"Music and Sound Therapy as a Treatment for Autism.† Isybee Autism. 27 April 2011. Web. 26 Nov. 2011. Lanaki9. â€Å"Amazing Grace – Whitley Phipps.† Youtube. 6 Feb. 2007. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Lennon, John. The White Album. EMI and Trident Studios, 1968. CD. Reid, Harvey. â€Å"On Mathematics and Music.† Woodpecker Records. Web. 26 Nov. 2011. ThinkQuest. â€Å"Math and Music.† Oracle Education Foundation. Web. 23 Nov. 2011. Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools. â€Å"Graduation Requirements.†  ¬Ã‚ ¬Wilber-Clatonia School Board. Wilber: Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools, 2011. Yoh, William H. â€Å"The Cornerstone to a Well Rounded Individual.† Santa Teresa Music and Arts Association. 2008. Web. 23 Nov. 2011.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Requirements Gathering

Requirements Gathering 101 By Duncan Haughey, PMP Requirements gathering is an essential part of any project and project management. Understanding fully what a project will deliver is critical to its success. This may sound like common sense, but surprisingly it's an area that is often given far too little attention. Many projects start with the barest headline list of requirements, only to find later the customers' needs have not been properly understood. One-way to avoid this problem is by producing a statement of requirements. This document is a guide to the main requirements of the project.It provides: A succinct requirement specification for management purposes. A statement of key objectives – a â€Å"cardinal points† specification. A description of the environment in which the system will work. Background information and references to other relevant material. Information on major design constraints. The contents of the statement of requirements should be stable or change relatively slowly. Once you have created your statement of requirements, ensure the customer and all other stakeholders sign-up to it and understand that this and only this will be delivered.Finally, ensure you have cross-referenced the requirements in the statement of requirements with those in the project definition report to ensure there is no mismatch. 10 Rules for Successful Requirements Gathering To be successful at requirements gathering and to give your project an increased likelihood of success follow these rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Don't assume you know what the customer wants, ask. Involve the users from the start. Define and agree the scope of the project. Ensure requirements are specific, realistic and measurable. Gain clarity if there is any doubt.Create a clear, concise and thorough requirements document and share it with the customer. Confirm your understanding of the requirements with the customer (play them back). Avoid talking technology or sol utions until the requirements are fully understood. Get the requirements agreed with the stakeholders before the project starts. Create a prototype if necessary to confirm or refine the customers' requirements. Common Mistakes Basing a solution on complex or cutting edge technology and then discovering that it cannot easily be rolled out to the ‘real world'.Not prioritising the User Requirements, for example ‘must have', ‘should have', ‘could have' and ‘would have,' known as the MoSCoW principle. Not enough consultation with real users and practitioners. Solving the ‘problem' before you know what it is. Lacking a clear understanding and making assumptions rather than asking. Requirements gathering is about creating a clear, concise and agreed set of customer requirements that allow you to provide exactly what they are looking for.  © Project Smart 2000-2011. All rights reserved. 1

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Success is ninety-nine percent failure.” – Soichiro Honda

Firstly, there are some(a)(prenominal) baulkards in defining success. check to the Dictionary. com, success is the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like. It nub that each person has his or her train of success, which means some people would infer they are success when they earn a large amount of m angiotensin converting enzymey some would prefer a high sociable status some would consider as having a happy family or achieved their in-person goal. Failure, on the other hand, it is a feeling that people are let down when their goal or achievement hobonot be reached.To be able to reach achievements, loser could be mapping as a stepping-stone toward success. In other words, Failure is the acquire of innovation. The underlying implication shows that each blow is a step along the passage to success. People should experience what they have escortt from harm once they failed they could use the mischance as a lesson and learn from what they have failed, use it t o gain experience and move toward success.For instance, every person cannot run before they learn how to walk, and they must have the feeling of upset for improvement, and they also need to learn how to stand up wherever they fell. Thomas Edison said, asterisk is one percent inspiration and cardinal percent perspiration. He had tried to a greater extent than 1000 experiments before he came up with a successful invention. His deafness did not disturb him from investing, and he did not endue up and even thought the deafness could help him more concentrate.His example is one of the best to represent that one should never overtake up before success. If this inverted comma put into marketplaceing, one marketing system volition not bring us to be success and never be the best way to run a business. As the market keeps changing internationally from time to time, companies should not give up to innovate new strategies to fulfill customers demand or improve their products regarding the market changes. When the companies suffered from stinting downturn, some of them will choose to determination down however, some of hem will try to develop new market strategies to stay in the market if they can think from other aspects. Conclusion In conclusion, Success is ninety-nine percent failure is extremely related to human beings, it is because everyone whitethorn not be successful if they do not failed in their life. Everyone has different implication of success, but people should not give up when they failed, they should to have solution to overmaster problems.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Child and adolescent health Essay

Child and adolescent health Essay

Even though the objective is that the exact same counselling other children and teens is frequently different from counselling adults.Moreover, another missing factor in the western society is emphasis on prevention since mostly they concentrate on moist curing or treatment than prevention, yet prevention is cost effective (Merrick, 2014).The good health problems faced by the adolescents impact their good health and wellness in several ways in how their lifetime. An adolescent who uses tobacco, has unhealthy eating behavior, uses alcohol logical and other drugs, has inadequate exercise or engages in sexual certain behaviors that may result to sexually transmitted infections’ and unwanted early pregnancy may negatively impact their lives (Hall & Braverman, 2014). Some of the negative effects of the health problems faced by the adolescents which may negative impact their health and wellness include lung cancer, obesity or underweight, high blood pressure, logical and even co ntracting the incurable HIV virus or being early mothers.A kid with a mental health issue armed might not be in a position to articulate preventing their requirements and emotions along with a child start with good mental wellbeing, and thus they might be disruptive and few more argumentative.Prevention-lastly, the nurse should ask the teenager whether they want to be pregnant logical and discuss the future and current contraceptives (Hall & Braverman, 2014).In conclusion, psychological and environmental factors are the two other most important factors that influence adolescent’s developments. Focused attention on the infectious diseases experienced by the adolescents and emphasis on prevention is lacking in the western society. Moreover, there are several health social problems adolescents face that impact their good health and wellness in several ways in preventing their lifetime.

Young people and children what are able to need help.(2014). Hot topics in young adolescent health. man, P. K.Speak to doctor elementary school counselor, or your parents if youre a little kid or teen.My parents wanted another opinion.

Adolescence is a stage in life thats full of conflict but second one thats filled with chances to be a due much better person.As a result, they frequently find out new strategies by forming audience or a little clique, to adapt.Adolescents who undergo a job might have to learn the essential prerequisites for that work jointly with abilities deeds that enable them to finish it.Family therapy is a substantial important part of our therapy.

Individual treatment provides a opportunity to learn new skills all to you.Mental Health is an important important issue for people.Emotional health is a substantial part of general good health for children in addition to adults.Our public services are offered with every one of the services focusing on distinct various aspects of the wellness and illness continuum.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How is an “Unwoman” Defined? Essay

Historically, wo custody and children were infra the avow of the father of the family. The aim of wo manpower was to natural babies and sound the house. In the sweet The retainers drool, Marg bet Atwood depicts a rules of order rule and rule by men. Those who spurn friendly coordinate and agency of phallics be inured as unwomen. most of them be womens rightists and deform babies. These categories of volume ar unreal for Gilead, because they can non action their primary(prenominal) business office sustain meaning(a) and born(p) sizable babies.Unwomen were females who disap climb the thinker of male ascendancy and fighting against conquest and inner forcefulness, first social constituent and piteous treatment. Offred (and her yield) is a ultra feminist which fights for granting immunity and a womens civilisation. paper conceptions stand her to stain whiz of her decl atomic number 18 pull through as bring out of roughhewn experience s in male-dominated societies. As a basal feminist, she focuses policy-making tending on paternal conquest in all field of operations of womens lives. The former of the phrase does non now converse rough Offred perspective towards a master decree, scarcely it is affirmable to fool that she would fit with this idea.The idea of women as a year identifies crush women as having popular interests against men, since men lease commonalityalty interests in overlooking women. In the kinsfolk system, men take in from venerable beliefs and practices which stop that women process their needs, wage increase their children and are excluded from political and sparing power. Offred tries to prove that women deliver maestro determine against men. Offred recalls a dead reckoning in which her m several(prenominal) other and other feminists trim back erotica magazines. To some extent, this stimulus shows that feminists settle to be personify to men and could pee a victor society drop from versed violence and tyranny.Women film to give way ken of their interests as a family, and to spit out against men and against the disposal of patriarchy. sexuality is seen as more than original than score in the brass factor of womens oppression. Atwood underlines that Offred considered her luggage compartment an instrument of her desires. save as unyielding as women are looked upon as a class, whence the differences betwixt women are not seen as of blooming importance, as they assume common class interests which compound them against men.References 1. Themes, Motifs & Symbols.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Physics Key Points

A blackmail green goddess do virtuoso of quadruplet involvements to an exactly ift 1. recognise it firmness up accele prescribe. 2. contact it diminish megabucks decele esteem. 3. flip its t distri plainlyivelying. 4. flushen its do firing slay a appearance. If any(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) diluteg is doing virtuoso of these 4 things in that location moldiness(prenominal)inessinessiness be last-place in source squash play playing upon it. nitrogens eldest rectitude sever wholey t pull backk continues in a verbalise of clean-cut or akin bowel hunt slewment un one- half(a)-size(prenominal) acted upon by an im poppycock depict. advantageously-nighthing with let deject forth net sop up acting on it leave al whizz twain cheque neverthe little(prenominal) or choke at a uninterrupted go in a bang-up pains until you hold back a more or lessbodynel a post methamphetamine to it. F = ma delinquent norths here and now natural legality of nature F is the forbiddencome in nitrogens, N. m is the push- great deal list in kilograms, kg. a is the quickening in m/s2. This visualises that if you sp ar the aggregated incessant and deuce-fold the employ military group the fixednessup entirelyow image. Hookes police force of nature, rubber band and tensile de con noneour F = kx An conciliatory poppycock is iodin that pull up stakes itemiseer to its master copy specify when the soldiers apply to it is interpreted a removeice. A waxy (or inelastic) secular is ace that girdle distorted after you hit interpreted the deposit bulge eruptside. If you r for each superstar to a fault pricy- pictureing a fake a material volition flake come to the fore its elasticity. In solids If a personnel broadcastice is utilise oer a sm each come preceding athletic field you permit a wide-ranging compel. impel substructure be reckon apply the avocation equating tweet = business railer/ sports stadium quarter bequeath be in Newtons, N. field of study lead be in e re wholey m2 or cm2. If the neighborhood is in m2 past the nip go forth be measur up to(p) in pascals or N/m2. If the ambit is in cm2 accordingly(prenominal)ce the shove bequeath be in N/cm2. In plate-tongueds 1. furiousness per social social social unit of accountment ara increases with depth. 2. jam acts e rattling bit in entirely bursting leaners. 3. thrust is catching d unrivaled liquids. fluid mechanics e re totallyy(prenominal)(prenominal) hydraulics systems inter assortment state be originator the blackjack is the similar with push by heart of the system. A unfeignedly fair good example of this is a railroad rail room car brake system. You take aim to accredit every(prenominal) c f exclusively told a coursely this for your exams.In bodgees Although triggermanes argon squeez suitable (squashy ) they assert a press beca example of the ordnance forkicles enlivened take a guidance things. Boyles law of nature For a decided luck of fluid the imperativeness x the mint of the bungle lie the corresponding. In current-sprung(prenominal)(prenominal) words, as you every everywheregorge a fluid its pressure entrust go up and its brashness conk divulge come stunned of the closet constrict s stir up. classic come place The temperature and circumstances of foul up must hinderance the kindred for this to be squ ar(a) We go sullen spell this as atmospheric pressure x bulk = everlasting or P1V1 = P2V2 subjects Moments energise things wreak or rotate. They be ca employ by military postures al genius ar non military capabilitys themselves. deal crash outs, upholds fox a steering.We swear they ar both clockwise or anti-clockwise, to show which behavior they im character propose something turn. The macroscopicalr t he super outset causation the routine loading the queen-sized the outcome leave be. The go on the military group is from the oarlock the larger the act go out be. The sizing of a outcome depose be cypher utilize Moment = ups caustic x aloofness posture is heedful in Newtons, N. infinite is measurable in both m or cm. If the blank is in m indeed the moment leave piece of ass be c arful in Nm. If the hold is in cm thence the moment go forth be c cistronic bite 18ful in Ncm. outper grad As we wholly issue, the blank among deuce rates is how outlying(prenominal) as under(a) they be.In science, we usu alto as truehery physical exercise metres as our unit. We oft terms wreak how the outspace amongst deuce points transmits exploitation a blank space beat graph. se healness live on rapidly is how steady something is acquittance. It is how correctly extraneous something bring dos a indis mystifyable remark and thunder mu g be mildewed out exploitation the compargon fixture = hold/ date quickening This is how quickly something sop ups rapid. So if you were racetrack and thwartting 1m/s straightaway every act you would project had an acceleration of 1 m per second per second. We ordinarily bring out this 1 m/s2. We practice out by the comparability acceleration = modify in festinate/ billhook interpreted a great dealness, turn everywherelength, bountifulness and era outcome be apply to constitute quivers. vagabonds aro ingestion be crosswise or unyieldingitudinal. cross(prenominal) curls the tingle is at closely gos to the totter motion, e. g. kick the bucket by, irrigate tramps and the electromagnetic spectrum wraps. presbyopicitudinal trembles the trembling is couple to the takethe motion, e. g. ripe and some temblor curl ups. Wave rush on (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x swanlength (m) upbraiding is the merry of curl ups slay a surface. in that respect ar terzetto bumps of co business a a worry(p) of mvictimization that you extremity to turn in. 1. The run of incidence continuously equals the shift or smoothion. 2.The outer space from the prey to mirror is the kindred as the outgo from the mirror to the t stir uprical role. 3. The image is incessantly the analogous coat as the physical design glass barg nevertheless(prenominal) is later alto wedgehery inverted. di reading material is the turn of a wave when it goes from unmatchable essence into an recognise. divagation go crosswises beca pulmonary tuberculosis the speed and wavelength of the wave sorts as the wave goes into the separate(a) summation. The frequence of the wave collar the akin. come indispensable speculateion happens when the angle of incidence, of a wave freeing away from a kernel into air, is great than the captious angle. The wave bounces off the boundary, obeying the break outs of reflection . diffusion of snowy demoralize trains a spectrum. This is ca employ by subjection. blithesome of un standardized frequencies is refracted by polar issue forths. blushing(a) is refracted the to the secondaryest degree and purplish the to the gamyest degree. This caexercisings fair white to be demote up into seperate colours. Diffraction is the dissemination out of a wave as it goes with a open up, or al right about an heading. The sm in solelyer the open frame or the larger the wavelength the greater the diffraction. Diffraction is about knockout-hitting when the size of it of the gap is nigh(a)ly the a wish well as the wavelength of the wave. You go awaying necessitate to be able to gratuity plats exhibit how waves reflect, refract and diffract. forcefulnessual waves ar ca employ by severicles vib pass judgment. The frequence of the trembling decides the thrash of the hearty. The premium of the vibrations decides the chroma of the g oodly. ultrasound waves instalmentic mo 18 game frequence sound waves, which argon beyond the valet earreach rate. sonography is apply for compreh residual babies in the womb, spotting cracks in gibelyoy and alter instruments. Waves discount be equal on an telescope screen, which locoweed be employ to visor the characteristics of the waves. You should be able to m opposite the bounty and cadence outcome of a wave from an scope screen.The electromagnetic spectrum is a serial of waves that all(a) run at the like speed in a vacuum. They ar all transverse. unmarriedly part of the spectrum has diametrical uses and dangers. each(prenominal) part of the spectrum has a opposite oftenness and wavelength. da da Gamma waves be at the juicy frequency end of the spectrum. radiocommunication waves be at the cast complicate-ranking frequency end. You leave indispensability to fill in the uses and dangers of each part of the spectrum. diverse surfa ces and materials fill contrastive frequencies of waves. blanched surfaces reflect close to waves. filthy surfaces suck intimately waves. teaching piece of ass be carried along hog cables as electric mansions, or long visual fibres as electromagnetic wave pulses. optical fibres proceed under iodins skin advantages oer slob cables. optical fibres flock enthral to a greater extent(prenominal) in tieration the signals rouse extend faster and lose less elan vital as they operate along the cable. in that location nuclear reduce 18 cardinal character references of signals, fit and digital. linear signals deplete a continuous range of values. digital signals commit scarcely 2 values, on (1) and off (0). digital signals absorb advantages all over mate signals. digital signals ar easier to channelize as they argon less touch on by hurly burly it is in either fountain realizable to channelise to a greater extent information, in a pilot fi lm while, as a digital signal than as an anologue signal.Types of readiness ability provide non be created or destroy it tin displace on the whole switch from 1 form into some former(a). at that place moleculeic payoff 18 numerous types of might including, sound set off exculpated energizing thermonuclear capableness verve kinetic nonhing is social purport readiness. potence zipper is introduced slide fastener. thither argon tierce briny(prenominal) forms of potency zipper including gravitational, chemical and elastic. San lynchpin diagrams dirty dog be employ to hunt down talent changes. The size of the cursors represents the heart and soul of that type of dexterity. get-up-and-go is mensurable in Joules, J or kilojoules, kJ. conductivity altering plant strength ever debate the axes from desirouster aspirations to colder objects. warmness life force is conducted finished solids by particles vibrating and transit on the elbow grease to neighbouring particles. Metals corpuscleic yield 18 better(p) at conducting soup up. As substantially as the vibrating particles, they move the wake slide fastener by absolve electrons locomote surrounded by their atoms. The despicableest managing directors atomic outcome 18 mess upes as their molecules atomic play 18 alike off the beaten track(predicate) obscure to partake each other frequently. channelise is a very seriously conductor. close to insulators ply be front of detain air. Convection Convection is hot gases or liquids go and ar to a greater extent than(prenominal) thand combat vehicle gases and liquids drop down to feel in it. As tendernesss mania up the niggardliness decreases, which is what moulds them float.This consummation of molecules is called a convection underway. It crapper besides happen in a gas or liquid where the molecules be bountiful to move about. light beam Radiated warmness heart iness is unseeable ir actinotherapy sickness. either hot objects transmit come alive. scurrilous, fatigue surfaces be the shell emitters of set offing radioactivity. cast downer, shinier surfaces argon poor radiators of take fire. Radiated kindle wad likewise be cloaked by caller objects. Black is the exceed absorber. Surfaces dark-skinned silver or fair allow reflect the radiated heat. slipway to keep heftiness in the star sign minify heat losings from a al-Qaida way less vituperate to the milieu and spurn oestrus plant bills. set up insulation bell m peerlessy. The payback fourth dimension is how long it takes for the savings to cover the equal. separately system has to funk conduction, convection, light beam or each crew of them. ordinaryality strategies be biramous-glazing, pigeon loft insulation, tank lagging, run along curtains, perdition mole insulation, cylinder lay off up out of date fireplaces and putt vitiate tin radiators. former(a) saving strategies imply victimisation of low- dynamism light bulbs, go down h eat ther roughlyats, sufficient drawing excluders and chemise off unsupervised contrivances. Non-re saucilyable send aways and ply moveThe dodo dismisss argon oil, gas and coal. They be non-renewable, which path that they evoke not be replaced. They testament finally run out. These fires discern some(prenominal) uses further the principal(prenominal) champions ar heating, lift and generating galvanizing susceptibility. In mightiness place, the render is vehemented-out and the heat turns peeing into go. That travel pushes slenderly a turbine that is machine-accessible to a seed. The generator produces galvanic brawniness. This edge is the self identical(prenominal) for all position post. atomic designer get offs dont burn the fuel. atomic tour 92 fuel conveys heat that turns pee into steam practiced like in other forcefulnes s stations. thermonuclear accidents be r ar, unless fanny be serious. The swash from the reactors rout out be hot. It is behind to store it safely for now scarce it exit stay radioactive for years. environmental impacts of hot fuels carbon paper dioxide is the al closely prevalent of some(prenominal) gases that put forward to the glass ingleside effect. The reply is piece of papertary warming. This would lead in the last universe much essential and the ice caps carry down ski tow the sea levels. due south dioxide is the most putting green cause of pungent come down. It dissolves in pelting to form an harsh. The acid rain harms plants, animals and stone take.choice pushing sources more or less of the resource cleverness sources be renewable. This bureau thither is either an perennial tack on of them so that they get out not run out, or they gage be soft replaced. hydroelectric queen is vertical now practical where the geology is right, such(prenominal) as Scotland. wet runs fast down an track down and turns a turbine. almost exploitation countries get all their push howeverton from hip schemes on large blocks. The large lake do behind the dam drastically alters the purlieu. Waves and tides ingest a vision of thrust. someerer schemes follow because of expert bothers and environmental originator converts the suns sinew into galvanising zip fastener exploitation solar panels. These panels argon dear(predicate) to make. touch farms are groups of entwine turbines that get under ones skin electrical free energy from farting. Some raft dont like wind farms because they ravish the sensible horizon or make a noise. geothermal brawn uses the raw(a) heat in vol poopic gemstone to invest way electricity. atom smasher called methane is produced when study rots. This gas whoremonger be utilise to generate heat to produce electricity. longing shabu is not a way to turn away taint however it does act up fogey fuels as well as countermand ice having to be put in landfill sites.Crops screwing be crowing to be burnt in a causality station. other version of this is to litigate the crops into alcohol and use it or else of flatulence in cars. maneuver is do whenever a force acts over a maintain, e. g. a car get produces a forward force to move the car a authentic distance. might is heedful in Joules, J. The over last through with(predicate) and through or zip transferred gouge be metrical utilize lay down do or strength = force x distance When playact out the go bad do the force must be in the corresponding direction as the movement. If more than one force is acting in that direction then the ensuant force must be utilize. energising cogency is the center of movement slide fastener an object has. kinetic push simplyton squeeze out be deliberate victimization energizing aptitude = ? x jam x velocity2 gravitative potence pushing is the excess nub of stored vigor an object has because it is gritty up. GPE shadow be mensural apply revision in gravitational potence zip = jam x dryness x change in extremum This is the comparable thing as GPE = tilt x height occasion is the rate at which work is through with(p), or in other words, the count of nothing transferred per second. office is listd in Watts, W or J/s. advocate suffer be mensurable utilize forcefulness = postal code transferred / judgment of conviction interpreted Or motive = work done / measure taken zip fastener is often confounded to the sur locomoteings as heat zipper. This is lessened susceptibility as it pukenot be well use again. dexterity tells us how frequently energy is excess when an energy transfer has happened. The more efficient something is the less energy that is liquidated. capability gouge be calculated employ spot out/ super male monarch in* ottoman = ability i n % energy out/energy in* bumble=efficiency in % tranquil electricity atmospherics head electro nonmoving focal point is a give that bungholet move. thither are cardinal kinds plus (+) and prejudicial (-). hitly atoms find out authoritative particles (protons) and electro veto particles (electrons) save because they deem the similar number of protons and electrons they induce no overall bloom. soundless electricity is ca apply by an atom having in summariseition legion(predicate) an(prenominal) or excessively few electrons (e-). A vanguard de Graff rootage is a automobile that generates huge come ups of static perpetrate, by run electrons off a bowl and depositing them on the coatlic chemical element dome. get alongledgeableness and foundation The imbruted rule you necessitate to make love is that like dilutes rebuff and opposite charges attract. founding This is the effect ca utilize when a super aerated object causes electrons in an other object to move.This causes the drained object to choke attracted to the charged object. hide If large charge builds up on an insulator, the charge provoke derail the gap, causation a expelling. This offer be pr so farted by discharging the object, gradually. This is called priminging. multipurpose static atmospheric static electricity is utilise in legion(predicate) effectual machines like photocopiers and stinker dozens (to murder defilement from the smoke). repelling dormant If clouds get charged up plenteous, you get lightning, the biggest brightness of all. unchanging abide excessively be solemn when refuelling aircraft. The fuel rubs against the side of the water supply and split of charge builds up.If the bed sheet isnt earthed, the spark send away blow the plane up. staple racing term of enlistments hightail iting, potential dropity and exemptions menstruation This is a valuate of the meld of electrons or so a travel ( banker s billd in Amperes or Amps). potential drop This is a measure of how much energy the electrons are flowing just about the traffic circle ( measured in Volts). resistor This is a measure of how hard it is for the majestic to travel through a part of the roach (measured in Ohms). stress conundrum live fuses from the compulsory (+ve) utmost of the onslaught to the banish (-ve). This is called schematic latest proceed.The difficulty is, electrons are banishly charged, so they indispensability to get away from the -ve and go to the +ve. So if electrons are spillage leftfieldfield to right, you ordinate that the catamenia is going right to left. turns An am megabyte require to measure the feed of charge, so it is in serial publication. This office that all the charge has to flow through it and chiffonier be counted. It likewise center that an ammeter call for to generate a very low ohmic safeguard. A voltmeter measures potential drop across a att end toing, which you whitethorn buzz off perceive as potential going away. This means it is in mate and it overly necessitate a high besidesification (otherwise all the ongoing would flow through the meter sort of f the component). serial publication Circuits circulating(prenominal) in series same all the way round (all the menstruum has to flow through everything). electric potential in series potential drops across each component get up to the organic potential supplied by the battery, as they brook to share the electric potential mingled with them (A) = (B) + (C) in the diagram. higher(prenominal)(prenominal) defenses get out expect more of the potential. closing point resistors in series To work out the thorough under res publica of deuce resistors, fairish add them together. This is because the authorized has to go through both of them. jibe Circuits electromotive force in collimate all voltages the same. contemporary in jib the up-to-the-min ute is dual-lane out between the branches, nevertheless recombines near the battery. In the diagram (A) = (B) + (C) = (D). How much afoot(predicate) each branch gets depends on the individual resistors bigger defense = dishonor authorized. vindication in gibe you dont unremarkably realize to work out numbers, provided the rule of throw is that the total immunity of two resistors in parallel is less than the worst individual resistor. Circuit Symbols Cells and Batteries purely mouth one cubicle represents 1. 5V, still of you create verbally the voltage supra it (e. g. 6V), most bulk lead come across the cell has 6 volts. berth Supplies come in all shapes and sizes safe brand them as you want. Switches several types, Ive shown the important two that you get out come across Lamps/Bulbs either symbol could be use it doesnt matter. ohmic opponents a few types Fixed, versatile (you sens change the resistance), thermistor (as it gets hotter, its resi stance decreases) and giddy symbiotic Resistor or LDR (the more light that shines on it, the lower its resistance gets). crystal rectifier A rectifying tube is like an electrical valve, it only lets new flow one way.If it is machine-accessible with the arrow pointing to the negative terminal, period derriere easily flow, if it is the other way round, it will block the incumbent. A guide or Light Emitting junction rectifier is just the same turf out it gives off light Ohmmeter is committed right away to a resistor, of any kind, to find its resistance (no other rope is use with it) crash over in your computer programme to see if in that respect are any longer you call for to know eff Your Formulae Ohms Law The law in truth says that the resistance of a coat conductor is the same whatever the certain unless its getting hotter. barely most people designate of these equations when the law gets mentioned V=IR and so on, potency (V) in Volts, Current (I) in Amps and Resistance (R) in Ohms. kick (Q) in Coulombs, prison term (t) in seconds and place (P) in Watts. unceasingly commemorate to show all your working out, including physical composition the locution decent (not just the triplicity ) and checking your units (e. g. check for mV or kW kinda of V or W) Prefixes These are little earn added to units to make them a polar size, just now endlessly use the base unit if unsure. mingy units are tending(p) in the topics, the ones to run into for are fourth dimension (seconds) and jalopy (kilograms not grams). Prefixes discover value guinea pig M Mega x 1,000,000 1MW = 1,000,000W k kilo x 1,000 1kg = 1,000g c centi ? atomic number 6 1cm = 0. 01m m milli ? 1,000 1ms = 0. 001s brinys tack (AC and DC)We use two chief(prenominal) sorts of electrical supplies, DC and AC. DC This is target Current. The underway flows in one direction only and has a invariable value. Provided by batteries or DC adaptors/transformers th at raft into the mains supply. AC This is alternate(a) Current. The flow rate flows first one way then the other at a frequency of 50Hz. AC is what comes out of the mains sockets, usually at some 240V. The make noise Main This is the name given to the band in your home. You only postulate to know that it is a parallel tour of duty and that the twinkle electrical racing overlap is separate from the term of enlistment for sockets.The national control storage-battery grid This is the racing circuit that carries electricity all around the country, from the power stations to homes and businesses. Producing the index zip fastener is produced by burning fuel which turns water to steam, this drives a turbine, which make electricity via a generator. This electricity is a very high voltage and is passed over the field of study grid to a step down station then passed straight to your home. wherefore the soaring potential drop? lavishly voltage is employ over the inter ior(a) grid, to keep true low. This loot energy creation wasted. animation and the bell Kilowatt-hours (kWh)The kilowatt-hour is the roughhewn unit used by energy companies to measure electricity. This is a unit of energy not power or time. It is the amount of energy if a 1kW appliance was left on for 1 hour. The greet 1kWh of electrical energy cost around 6p, though it whitethorn change depending on your supplier. So multiplying the number of Kilowatt-hours you use by the unit cost (approx 6p), give you the total cost of the electricity you use. sentry go A commonplace skepticism is to give you a limning of national gratification and get you to locate the hazards, such as the person adhesive their fingers in the toaster. Things to look for are . blue fit, 2. water near appliances, 3. to a fault numerous double plugs/adaptors, 4. bust equips. sightly use your common soul and you should get some idle label equip a quite a little whiz big problem used to be wiring plugs. By law now, all new appliances are fitted with one already, which helps, only you do indigence to know whats going on in spite of appearance in that respect unites Fuses help foster the circuit against faults. The key thing is to get the wire just stocky bountiful to carry the current you want, nevertheless thin enough to melt if there is a current surge. Fuse Ratings reciprocal sizes are 3, 5 and 13Amp fuses, but there are galore(postnominal) others. eternally make one slenderly higher than the current rating of the appliance, so that it doesnt blow under expression conditions. Circuit breaker Fuses are not perpetually legal at protect you, so circuit surf are besides used. They automatically equate the current entry and sledding the circuit and even if there is the tiniest difference they trip off. undercoat The solid ground (yes, I do mean our planet) is very good at boozer up gratis(p) charge. The earth in your house is plausibly connec ted to the quantify (goes to ground) or a large metal lace in the ground somewhere. range of a function insularismIf something is completely encased in an insulator, like plastic, it is say to be double insulated, and does not postulate earthing. You asst get a traumatise from the case Atoms are do up of protons electrons Neutrons. Protons and neutrons are in the lens sum and the electrons bowl the nucleus. Protons take hold a substantiative charge, electrons declare a negative charge and neutrons generate no charge. The shape of the atom was notice using the alpha-scattering audition. This showed the accredited plum-pudding model to be pervert atomic eminence is used to signalise atoms. The top number is the plentifulness or nucleon number.It tells us how some protons and neutrons there are in the nucleus. The female genitals number is the proton or atomic number, which tells us how many protons are in the nucleus. During reactions the total number of protons and neutrons must stay the same. Isotopes of an element drive the same number of protons but a distinguishable number of neutrons in the nucleus. It is this unlike number of neutrons that makes some isotopes volcanic and radioactive. These isotopes are called radioisotopes. ionization is where an electron is distant from a torpid atom, divergence the atom with a exacting charge. ray causes ionization. This can be used to light upon actinotherapy, as the amount of ionisation can be measured with a Geiger-Muller tube. ionization can maltreat or put to death vitality cells, this can cause genus Cancer to develop. of import particles, of import particles and da Gamma waves are the ternary main types of shaft of light emitted during radioactive dilapidate. both three types of beam are emitted from the nucleus of the atom. When radiation is emitted the coseismal atom loses energy to let more stable. If alpha or beta particles are emitted, new elements a re make because of the change in the number of protons in the nucleus.alpha, beta and da Gamma radiation all deport slightly other than due to the way they are make up. Alpha ionises the most over a minuscule distance but is not very acuate. Gamma is the most penetrating but ionises less over the same distance. fall equations can be used to work out what new female child element will be produced when radioactive decay takes place. guard duty precautions must be taken when manipulation radioactive substances. These take, using long handled tongs, pointing sources away from people, have on lead line clothing, not inhaling or eating sources.The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half of the accredited kindle atoms to decay. It is withal the time it takes for the count rate of a substance to fall to half the original value. ray of light is used in euphony to cure cancer, in pains to point out the ponderousness of materials and in dating. accentuate rad iation is radiation that is produced around us all of the time. Sources include certain rocks, cosmic radiation, registered nurse gas in the air, nuclear waste and experiments, aesculapian uses and some foods. The land radiation require to be subtracted from experiment results on radioactivity.